I know I’m a
little behind on blogging, sorry about that. The end of June was pretty busy with finals (passed all my classes by the way
J) and then on the very last day of the semester I had a wonderful visit from my older sister Emily and her husband Dan! I won’t lie, even though I was taking finals in Argentina I still got a little stressed at times and the visit from Emily and Dan was a perfect way to celebrate the end! They were only supposed to be here for four days from June 23
th, but due to volcanic ash from Volcano Pueyhue in Chile, their flight was delayed until the 27
th. Unfortunately I already had a flight scheduled to Peru in the morning on the 27
th. I know, so complicated! But anyways the time that we all did spend together here was so great!
On that Thursday I patiently waited by our meeting place, in front of Casa Rosada in Plaza de Mayo by pacing back and forth and constantly swiveling my head to make sure I hadn't missed them walking up. After what seemed like hours I saw Emily and Dan walking towards me!
Emily and I reunited at Casa Rosada. Missed her so much! |
After the hugging and bit of tearing up we went to get out of the cold and find some food. I swear the weekend Em and Dan were was some of coldest weather we've had yet here in Buenos Aires. All the same, we made the most of it and had fun. That night my program CEA was having our last farewell dinner. Since this was one of the last times I would see many people in my program Emily and Dan told me they wouldn't mind going. So after some INTENSE shopping on Calle florida (Em found her own
porteña leather boots) we got ready and caught the subte to Calcio. This was Dan's first subte ride ever and I wish I could say it was more enjoyable. We left during subte rush hour with everyone going home after a day a work. So that means a 40 min ride with absolutely no personal space at all. Dinner was delicious though and made up for the uncomfortable ride there.
Dinner at Calcio |
The next day I tried to be a good guide and bring them to some of the big tourist areas of the area. However, since I've been here a while and don't really do too many touristy things myself anymore we didn't get to quite as many places as I had hoped. I brought them to Once, a big shopping district in BsAs. It's also really cheap. Emily and Dan took advantage of this and bought some souvenirs for home. For lunch we went to Siga La Vaca, which is a very popular restaurant due to their amazing parilla buffet. I definitely succeeded in making sure they had a taste of the Argentine beef. We all left Siga La Vaca stuffed. Then we went to a bar in Plaza Serrano, Palermo for a before dinner drink and then to my host mom's for a wonderful traditional Argentine dinner. Hebe also had her friend Susana over and we ate
locro, a dish of white corn, veggies, sausage, all together like a stew. Hebe is a fantastic cook so of course everything tatsed wonderful. This was definitely one of my favorite things we did. I love that parts of my two families got to meet each other and that everyone got along so well. Emily dazzled us all with her spanish skills and even though Dan doesn't speak spanish, he was still as funny as always. Over all the dinner went really really well. We left for a much needed food coma nap and then to a friends for an Argentina house party.
The aftermath of parilla buffet at Siga La Vaca |
Hebe's wonderful locro |
Probably right before they all started chanting "DANNY! DANNY!" |
Saturday we hit up
Museo de Bellas Artes and the market in Recoleta. Emily and Dan bought some souvenirs and then we had some down time at the hotel before the dinner and tango show. We went to
calle Carlos Gardel where of course there are statues, building art, and cafés all dedicated to the legendary tango singer. The dinner and show we went to,
Esquina Carlos Gardel, offered a shuttle service to and from the hotel to the show which was really convenient. Dinner was delicious, complete with appetizers, a main course, dessert, and bottomless wine. The service was also amazing. Not once did a glass or bread basket go empty. Like the meal and waitstaff, the show was incredible. I think it was the highlight of their time here for all of us.
Doing the tango with brooms |
Ema nd Dan with the main course |
Esquina Carlos Gardel |
My dessert, Recuerdo Malevo |
The weekend they were here just flew by and before I knew it we were saying goodbye in the hotel lobby. Like I said their flight got delayed untilt he following night, but I had a flight to Lima bright and early at 6:00AM. So after leaving there I hustled to the subte and back home. I hadn't packed anything for my trip yet and had planned to meet at my friend Kellie's at 11:00PM. This brings me to the next blog post
Viaje Loco...vamos.